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CLIENT Statement

Our client is a prominent player in the Oil and Gas Sector based in Dubai, known for its commitment to safety and operational excellence. With a diverse workforce and complex operational protocols, the client required an effective means to ensure that every visitor, contractor, driver, regardless of their background or language proficiency, understands the safety protocols clearly and comprehensively.

PROBLEM Statement

Our Induction takes very long. Every time, when outsiders comes, HSSE executives have to conduct the induction presentation. Some of the Challenges client wanted to solve are as follows:
-Delivering repeatative presentation was time consuming for the team.
-Assessing of learning is done manually by filling in forms analyzing the answers.
-Retaining the answers in printed hard copies.
-Accessing the information from time to time during repeat visits.
-Multiple language and professions of attendees means modulation of presentations & tests for specific audience.


It was important to conduct an assessment test, immediately after showing the video. This is needed to gauge the learning, before allowing entry inside the plant. These assessments need to be addressed every time someone revisits the plant after the specified duration. Hence, easy accessibility of records is important.

Retention of Knowledge

It was important to conduct an assessment test, immediately after showing the video. This is needed to gauge the learning, before allowing entry inside the plant. These assessments need to be addressed every time someone revisits the plant after the specified duration. Hence, easy accessibility of records is important.


  • To develop a safety induction video that complies with the industry’s stringent safety standards.
  • To ensure the video is accessible for a diverse workforce with multi-language subtitles.
  • To ensure active interest, show only relevant information to the concerned (driver may not be benefitted by watching contractor related information, customer might not be benefitted by driver related information).
  • To engage employees effectively to retain crucial safety information.
  • To quickly conduct the assessment test before allowing entry.
  • To keep record keeping for future use.


Our approach involved multiple phases dedicated to understanding the client’s specific needs, the intricacies of their operation, and the demographics of their workforce. Here’s how we addressed the project:

Pre-Production Planning

Production Execution

Post-Production Enhancements

Integrated an Assessment Software for Evaluating Performance

Provided Web-based Hardware Support



This project demonstrated our expertise in creating tailored safety induction video and reinforced our commitment to enhancing workplace safety through effective communication.
This project has set a new benchmark for safety inductions within the factory or large facility scenario in UAE, this project demonstrates the significant influence that engaging, professionally produced safety training can have on compliance and enhance safety consciousness.
This case study serves as a testament to our capacity to tackle industry-specific challenges and our steadfast commitment to delivering top-tier animated solutions backed up by relevant technology. We eagerly anticipate further opportunities to aid organizations in cultivating safer work environments through innovative visual communication tools.